4 Reasons You Should Try a Walking Safari

Benefits of Walking Safari: Wildlife encounters, nature exploration, adventure travel, African safari experience.

If you’ve been here a while then you know we’re all for novel, immersive experiences when it comes to travel. Walking safaris are certainly on our list. A more intimate and environmentally friendly way to explore the bush, they’ve risen in popularity over the past few years. Never tried one before? Here’s why you should!

1. A Great Way to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint while on Safari

‘Tone kwa tone bahari huweka’ is a Swahili proverb that loosely translates to ‘Drop by drop a sea is formed’ An ideology that applies beautifully when it comes to caring for our world. While a large part of sustainability and conservation lies in the big things, the little things we do as individuals are just as impactful.

1. A Great Way to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint while on Safari

Reducing your carbon footprint is one way. While a number of camps like Emboo River have taken up electric vehicles in a bid to be more eco-friendly, classic vehicles are still more commonplace for safaris. By choosing to try a walking safari you take carbon-neutral route that reduces environmental pollution significantly and thus increases biodiversity.

2. It’s More Immersive

We’re of the opinion that all travel should be mindful. It’s simply a better experience and you take in the novelty of the world around you better. A walking safari is more immersive because it makes you an active participant rather than a passive observer.

2. It’s More Immersive

Walking allows you to take in the unique sights and sounds of the African bush. Often, you get to see things you may have otherwise missed in a vehicle. As for safety concerns, walking safaris are led by highly trained, armed guides who are able to instruct, protect and lead you while you take in the experience

3. It’s Better for The Animals

As would be expected, a number of revving, loud vehicles with inquisitive passengers would be a concern to many animals. Especially if there are large groups of tourists constantly passing by. Walking safaris are often made up of very small groups moving silently through the bush a distance away from the animals. This allows you to see them as they would be naturally with less behavioural changes influenced by stress.

3. It’s Better for The Animals

4. It Deepens Your Appreciation of Nature

Being a more immersive experience, walking safaris give you a different appreciation for the terrain as well as flora and fauna. Guides will often teach you how to differentiate animal tracks, scat and even movement patterns. Along with this, you get first hand knowledge about the various uses of surrounding herbs, shrubs and trees.

4. It Deepens Your Appreciation of Nature

So grab your binoculars and a good sunscreen and set off for your next adventure on foot. If you’re considering heading to the Mara, Naboisho Conservancy is one of the groundbreaking tourism initiatives that benefits both conservation and community. Offering the opportunity to join a walking safari combined with spectacular game viewing andcommunity interaction, it is certainly one of the most exciting destinations in Africa!

And if you’re looking to stay within the conservancy, Naboisho Camp lies right at its heart promising a stylish haven with nine elegant tents and a level of safari solitude almost unheard of so close to the Masai Mara.

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