Tourism CS Najib Balala Climbs Mt. Kenya To Promote Adventure Travel

Najib Balala climbs Mt. Kenya to promote adventure travel. Explore adventure, travel, and Kenya's scenic beauty with Nomad Africa.

In collaboration with the 7 Summits Africa team of mountaineers, Tourism CS Najib Balala is currently on a mission to conquer Mt. Kenya to promote and develop hiking and mountaineering as a new product to a robust mainstream international outdoor and adventure market.

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

“Kenya’s steep ascent from the Indian Ocean to Mt Kenya and descent to the Great Rift Valley and Lake Victoria creates an experience that is second to none. Mt Kenya is one of the most iconic assets we want to promote among the country’s wide variety of breathtaking landscapes that lie across the Great Rift Valley. Kenya remains the home of Safari: the undisputed Queen of the Wilderness,” CS Balala said.

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

The expedition comes at a time when the tourism industry is experiencing a revival with international tourist arrivals noted to have grown by 10 per cent to 723,174 as at the end of September compared to 657,438 recorded during a similar period in 2016.

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

Img src – Dr. Betty Raider (@aabraider)

At 5,199 metres, Mt Kenya is Kenya’s highest and Africa’s second highest mountain, a national icon and a UNESCO Natural World Heritage site and a wildlife stronghold.

This story first appeared on CapitalFM

This story first appeared on CapitalFM

This story first appeared on CapitalFM

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