Discover Elephant Conservation in Northern Kenya


We recently highlighted the majestic elephants of Amboseli. Today, we turn our focus north, to another Kenyan elephant haven. Kenya is a land of elephants, and their importance is undeniable. Conservation efforts here are nothing short of extraordinary!

Elephants are crucially important to wildlife and natural ecosystems... regardless of where they are in the world. Recalling the awe Mowgli felt encountering elephants in the 2016 Jungle Book movie is a reminder of their profound impact on their environment. Bagheera instructs Mowgli to bow in respect, explaining, "The elephants created this jungle... Where they made furrows with their tusks the rivers ran... Where they blew their trunks the leaves fell... They made all that belongs..." A close encounter with these magnificent creatures is awe-inspiring.

Much like Amboseli's elephants, those in the north are habituated to humans and relatively friendly. Conservation efforts and partnerships with local communities have minimized human-elephant conflict. 

Let's shine a light on two organizations that work hand-in-hand with the Kenya Wildlife Service to secure a bright future for both elephants and surrounding communities.7-May-21-2024-12-01-53-9179-PM

Photo:  © Robbie Labanowski

Save the Elephants: Guardians of the Giants

Spotting a "Save the Elephants" vehicle in Samburu National Reserve is no surprise. Here, researchers spend eight hours a day observing and monitoring elephant behaviour and movement.

According to Save the Elephants, "The Samburu elephant population is one of the best studied in the world." Their data charts the devastating impacts of poaching, conflict, and habitat loss. These insights help researchers forge strategies to protect these magnificent creatures.


Photo: © Frank af Petersens

Groundbreaking technology like satellite collars, the STE WildTracks App, and Earth Ranger software allows Save the Elephants to monitor elephant populations in real-time. This is crucial when elephants raid local towns and villages for food and water. The team can then swiftly guide them back to the reserve.

Their observations continuously reveal elephants' social bonds, intelligence, and emotional depth. This knowledge is used to raise awareness about elephant conservation, both locally and globally.


Reteti Elephant Sanctuary: A Community Takes Charge

This community-run conservancy is a shining example of successful partnerships. Witnessing the intricate relationship between rescued elephants and their Samburu keepers is truly inspiring. With less human-animal conflict, the community has become a safe haven for these gentle giants. 


Reteti's keepers rehabilitate rescued elephants until they can be reintroduced into the wild. Their bond with the elephants is amazing to watch– from speaking Samburu to singing and chanting during feeding time. Special mention goes to the incredible "Milk Mamas," Samburu women who, in partnership with the Sarara Foundation, now supply goat milk to elephant orphans. This sustainable solution not only benefits the elephants but also provides an income for the community.


A Journey to Untamed Beauty

Whether you choose a road trip or a flight, the journey north is refreshing. Breathtaking landscapes of savanna grasslands, scattered acacia trees, and scenic rock formations await. The remoteness of Samburu offers a chance to unwind in serene privacy.


Ready to embark on your own elephant adventure? Explore travel options to Samburu National Reserve and  Namunyak Conservancy to witness these magnificent creatures firsthand!Enquire Now

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